Whitnall Youth Baseball
Boys June Showdown Tournaments
Schoetz Park, Hales Corners, Wisconsin
U-9, U-11 & U-13* |
U8(new), U-10, & U-12* |
June 8-9, 2024
June 22-23, 2024
Whitnall Youth Fastpitch
Girls 16th Annual Summer Slam
Schoetz Park, Hales Corners, Wisconsin
Southeastern Wisconsin's longest running
Double elimination Tournament!
10U, 12U, 14U, and 16U |
July 12-14, 2024
- Age eligibility is May 1, 2024
- Entry Fee - $425 for U8 teams, $475 for U9, U10, U11, U12, teams and $499 for U13
- Tournament is open to, at least, the first (8) teams paid in each age bracket (first come, first served).
- This is a "B" class tournament (No "A" teams, travel teams, nor all-star or academy teams will be allowed).
- Games will be played at Schoetz Park in Hales Corners.
- Full concessions available at Schoetz Park (and limited concessions will be available at the other areas if utilized.)
- Minimum 3 game guarantee, weather permitting.
- *Some U12 and U13 games could be played on Friday evening depending on the number of teams entered.
- Individual trophies for 1st place, and 2nd place
- Once tournament play has started there will be “No Refunds”.
- Should the tournament get completely rained out, we will refund all but $100 of the entry fee.
- Any Act of God or Illness Cancelation will result in a refund of all but $100 of the entry fee. This goes for any tournaments cancelled due to local or national government rules and guidelines.
- Age eligibility is January 1, 2024
- Entry Fee - $575
- Tournament is open to at least the first (8) teams paid in each age bracket (first come, first served).
- Our tournaments are open to community based teams (No all-star or academy teams will be allowed).
- Games will be played at Schoetz Park in Hales Corners.
- Full concessions available at Schoetz Park (and limited concessions will be available at the other areas if utilized.)
- Minimum 4 game guarantee, weather permitting.
- TRUE Double Elimination bracket round after pool play
- Individual trophies for 1st place, and 2nd place
- Standard USA Softball Rules will apply unless specified otherwise. Modifications will be sent out no later than two weeks prior to tournament.
- Once tournament play has started there will be “No Refunds”.
- Should the tournament get completely rained out, we will refund all but $100 of the entry fee.
- Any Act of God or Illness Cancelation will result in a refund of all but $100 of the entry fee. This goes for any tournaments cancelled due to local or national government rules and guidelines.